Up to the summary of Yachting Wold’s experts’ choices. Not all are apps; some are programs run on a computer or instruments that can be viewed on a tablet…
Here are some of them to use afloat
iNavx Versatile app for reading raster and vector charts. Can overlay GRIB files. £39.99
Navionics Market leader navigation app, easy to use routes and quick. From £15
Open CPN A full-featured chart plotter and navigator application. £7.74
Ovital Map Cross-platform map browser supporting offline views of Google Map, satellite map and terrain map. Free
Squid PC software to download and view GRIB files. Free
AdrenaFirst Cruising navigation software for PC. €465.85 (£338) ex VAT
MaxSea TimeZero Entry-level version of one of the best-established navigation software packages for PC. £397
PredictWind Combines sophisticated wind/weather prediction technology with local topography maps for hi-res forecast. £19/yr
WeatherTrack Weather app for iPad. $9.99
PocketGrib Weather data app including wind, precipitation, pressure, temperature, waves, etc, from GRIB files. £4.49
Google Earth Widely used by cruisers. Free
Meteo Consult Independent supplier of weather forecasts for Apple products. Free
Navtex Marine Weather Android app for weather info. Free
Navtex Pad As above for iPad. £2,29
Wind Guru Wind, wave and weather data. Free, but subscribe for better resolution
XC Weather Formerly an app, now a mobile service online www.xcweather.com. Free
Marine Traffic & Vessel Finder AIS Live vessel-tracking service. Free
Drag Queen Simple anchor alarm provides distance and GPS accuracy. Free
Star Walk Stargazing app for mobile device including extensive info on stars. £2.29
Sky View Another sky gazing app for iPhone and iPad. Free
iTranslate Translation app for over 90 languages for iPhone and iPad. Free
North Sails Scan Assess the shape of your sails compared with optimal shape. Free
Secchi Disk Android mobile interface to global study of phytoplankton in ocean. Free
MerlinBird ID iPhone/iPad/Android app for bird identification. Free
See & ID Dolphins & Whales Identify and learn about dolphins, whales, seals and manatees. Free
Fish Planet Encyclopedia of 550 major species of fish. Android app. Free
Read more at http://www.yachtingworld.com